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Elizabeth Rule Elizabeth Rule @ownyourserp

Ready to level UP your GBP strategy? 🚀

Join us at #LocalU Dallas 🤠 bright and early for my talk where I will be s… https://t.co/RBSXpuojxm

2 years ago
Local University Local University @localuniv

These #LocalU stories you all are sharing are amazing! It is an honor to be a part of your lives and careers, and… https://t.co/AYRu7yyU0E

2 years ago
Greg Gifford Greg Gifford @GregGifford

digging through all the data on over 8,700 Google Business Profiles for my #localu presentation…

and HOLY HELL,… https://t.co/owKpPakYwd

2 years ago
taka_greatesthits taka_greatesthits @TGreatesthits


#LOCALu https://t.co/Mq5KomcOQw

5 years ago
Matt Lacuesta Matt Lacuesta @MattLacuesta

This will be a good one, check it out! Glad to have been able have seen all these folks at #LocalU and/or #seobeershttps://t.co/L3YG3WW69v

5 years ago
David Mihm David Mihm @davidmihm

Sadly I missed the second half of @DanLeibson’s #localu presentation due to a phone call. But WOW he (and… https://t.co/xlYBdksDl5

5 years ago
Markella Haynes Markella Haynes @MarkellaHaynes

Interesting hotel highlights in the review box on Google. Looks like it’s also pulling in reviews from TripAdvisor… https://t.co/ir6VHWrbcL

7 years ago
Veronica Romney Veronica Romney @vromney

@Moz@mattfrandsen and I got a virus downloading @mblumenthal #mozcon deck today! The decks have viruses #localu

8 years ago
Aaron Weiche Aaron Weiche @AaronWeiche

Hope to see you in Seattle for MozCon Local. It’s a fantastic 2 days of digital local marketing.… https://t.co/7tVQxifuYT

8 years ago
Willys DeVoll Willys DeVoll @WillysDeVoll

Somehow, #LocalU Austin was already a week ago… Thank you New Orleans and Austin for a great few days of local search and marketing!

8 years ago
Chris Ratchford Chris Ratchford @prodentite

@MikeRamsey @whitespark I gave this to my 5yo after #localu #nola. He asked “What does it do?” I replied, “What *doesn’t* it do?!”

8 years ago
Will Scott Will Scott @w2scott

@TXEngS great news! Thanks for sharing and thanks for coming to @localuniv #localu #austin

8 years ago
David Mihm David Mihm @davidmihm

.@TXEngS That’s amazing! So happy to hear it. Thanks for coming and asking such great questions. #localuhttps://t.co/aBEhIulwoZ

8 years ago
Lance Moore Lance Moore @lancemoore22

@MikeRamsey I saw on your website photo that you are a spikeball player. I should have brought a spikeball set to NOLA during the #localu.

8 years ago
FrontburnerMarketing FrontburnerMarketing @Burnermarketing

@w2scott great seeing you speak today. Good stuff, thanks so much for sharing! #austin #marketing #LocalU

8 years ago